Monday, April 23, 2012

Not talking about off days.

I just got home from working, and as has become custom logged on to blogger and got ready to "wrute" It was an off day for the Padres (literally, they were off. Not figuratively saying they were off because they committed 3 errors and struck out 13 times or something) and as I looked on the sidebar to see what other blogs had blogged about, nearly all of them had made reference to being a day off. So guess what. I'm not going to talk about it being an off day. Nope. Not at all.

Okay, maybe a little. Truth is, I work evenings during most games, and I like to follow on my At-Bat app, and talk with fellow fans on twitter. It helps the night go quicker, even on days the Padres really are laying an egg.  It was tonight that really drove home the point harder why I like following baseball so much; the camaraderie.  Talking or tweeting with other fans, or posting on GLB's open threads, are always fun.  Tonight, so many that I tweet with weren't as active or were talking about things I had little to know knowledge and/or interest in.  Made for a long evening, with a couple notable exceptions.

Joe, aka TheThinGwyn, and author of friarsoncardboard, tweeted about Eric Show.  It was the second time in a week I had thought about Show. When the Padres lost to Jamie Moyer, I was saying how it wasn't a big deal, as he will likely get more wins this season, and be older in doing it. Someone had reminded me it will be the win people remember because its the one in which he passed the milestone. That's when I likened it to Pete Rose, and although he ended with several more hits than Ty Cobb, people remember him getting the record breaker off of the Padres and Eric Show.  TTG invited me to write about different past Padres sometime, so on one of these off days (or maybe a game day) I'm going to go through my card collection, and see what I can dig up on a Dennis Rassmussen, Bruce Hurst, or Andy Hawkins.  Or someone I'm not even thinking of now.

Also tonight, Padres organist extraordinaire, B Cres, Bobby Cressey ( had discussed how he was bummed when blogs he liked to follow stopped updating. I invited him to check this one out, and in the course of discussing it, I had to admit, it's easy to start and keep going the first few days- Then Life happens, one gets busy, they hit a writing bloc, or they just feel like no one is really reading or caring.  I've hit these obstacles often in just the short period I've been reading, so my challenge is to keep chugging along.  So I'll try not to bum you out B Cres. Or any of you other readers that may enjoy coming here. It's not always easy. Some days I have zero motivation, and some days the words just won't come out the way I want them.  And then there are Off Days.


  1. Yeah! Truth is I wish I had the motivation to write as much as someone like you. I need to take a dose of my own admonition and get to writing more than a couple times a month.

    Keep writing! I'll be reading.

  2. Thank you for the comment bobby. I'm trying to make this interesting! Looking forward to seeing stuff from you. And getting to a game that you're playing in!

  3. Thanks for the shoutout! I always look forward to what you have to write on here.
